I have been looking for this all afternoon...

This is the most heart-breaking photo I have seen out of the Gulf this far It is a brown pelican, the state bird of Louisiana. I know, the PEOPLE are losing their livelihoods, their eco-system, and it makes me so sick to my stomach, I can and do cry over this. I found it so emblematic about everyone and everything down there. And it enrages me.

There are worse ones you can see here. I wanted to show Peter this one this afternoon.

Stories are coming out... There are blockades, reporters and photographers aren't usually allowed into the areas where this is occurring. And Billy Nungesser had his hands tied by BP. The coast guard wouldn't allow access, the Coast Guard backed BP up, and all this shit is going on.

Nungesser even let the cat out of the bag yesterday. They have a tiny local airport. Small planes that fly low over the Gulf. If reporters charter a local flight, to fly low over there, BP has the say, and refuse to let them take off if they are on the planes.

Since the fuck WHEN did the US have to take second seat to a British foreign company or power? Or did the Reaganistas and Bushistas re-write history again?

Thank goodness some courageous photographers got in there. The pictures are horrendous.

But the picture above is so iconic. For me, it represents the struggle that peope have as well, getting dragged down in the mire of a handful of greedy horrible people. And then everything suffers.

And you have to 'lurv' you some idjits who want to 'nuke' the leak. Riiiiiight.

I guess they never learned about Three Mile Island, or what Tschernobyl did.

Well, good luck with that one. Wanna destroy the whole damned planet hey?


But keep the above picture in mind. Because there are enough people and forces that will keep you down.

Update: the inimitable Annti just caught me up to date on 'Mr.' Nungesser. Oh-oh. Plays the media well, but not what he seems, so when he appears on your tee-vees, take a much closer look at what he says. It only goes to show I should write what I know, and that perceptions deceive. Won't make a public smear, but hoo-boy!!!

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