Whelp, thunder on my left, and getting closer....

I got SUCH a charge out of seeing the US-UK soccer game end 1-1. If anyone is a full snob about their soccer power, it is the Brits followed by Germany. As always in World Cup season, the whole bloody world stops. The opening ceremonies in South Africa garnered a BILLION viewers!!!!

But in 'Murka, that is a sport people seem to wrinkle their nose at. Sigh, they have always been out of touch, marching to their own drummer, and 'real' football means rioting on the field and crushing people physically.

I don't get off on it, and I don't get off on most other sports, actually. But for people here it is like a drug or something. They go nuts over it.

All I like to see is underdogs bitch-slapping the overconfident smug teams.

It makes me smile with happiness.

Storm nearly over me, so will close. The skies just opened up. Maybe it will cool off a bit.

Was watching some clips from 'A Little Night Music' tonight. Got revived on Broadway. Wonderful cast, seemingly great staging, but then again, THAT was by Trevor Nunn, and he is a genius. It looked very good. I don't know how Angela Lansbury will do at the Tonys, but I liked the clip I saw. Catherine Zeta Jones is good.... but still too young in my opinion. You're gonna find this weird of me, but the character of Desirée Arnfeldt is supposed to be a washed-up actress. CZJ doesn't really seem to fit, but that is just my opinion....

There WAS a film of this one. And that role was played by Elisabeth Taylor. (Don't yell or hit.)

Also a wonderful cast in it, and Diana Rigg was astounding, and Hermione Gingold, and many from the original production.

It was filmed in Austria, and it bombed so badly. But there was much to admire about it.

Especially the music. And no, will not do another hymn to Sondheim. But I think it is one of the most accessible venues to his music. He once called it his 'waltz' musical. And most of the numbers are in waltz tact. The book is brilliant and charming, funny, and sad.

And it produced his only world-wide hit: Send in the Clowns.

And hey, you back there, yes you! They played that to death back then. Every wannabe singer sang it in every dive you could think of. Without the context. And because they were even able to sing it, hey. Even I can sing it.... in the shower... They can NOT sing most of his other stuff, believe me.

But the context was... missing a connection with another, reaching an age where you can't go back, regretting, and finding the world is so topsy turvy, you missed it. You'd have to have seen it in its' entirery.

I really hated that song before I knew what the context was.... Nowadays? I think I began to understand.... Being blind to things, the laugh is on you, and where is the circus with the balloons, you know? Or that YOU are the clown, never having GOTTEN it...

Have to shut down, don't want to mess up my notebook.

There also was a later hit, losing my mind, which the Pet Shop Boys re-cycled for Liza Minelli, but don't want to go there....

But I loved Diana Rigg. Stop the clip after nearly five minutes... You won't understand the rest.

This has been my 'depri' song for a long time.... Every day a little death. Every time I leave Gamlitz, the text often runs through my mind, and the haunting music to it. Which is why I try to forget about it. Came back to me when I read the revival is up for Tony Awards, and I hope it garners lots. It is brilliant. And yes, the context is fully different. But when you watch someone slipping away from you in any context, it can kill something in you bit by bit. I think that makes the brilliance of what he does.... It goes straight to the heart, and can nearly kill you with insight.

I will NEVER forget showing Peter a rare dvd of his 'Into The Woods'. It's about fairy tale figures, and the first part was mostly hilarious. Lyrics simple, music no one can sing along with. And the second act was after 'happily ever after', and was devastatingly sad. Peter was sobbing by the end of it. Going to Sondheim is adventurous, and the music wonderful, and the lyrics to die for for brilliant. But he will get you right in the heart every time..... He must be a very sad man....

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