Your moment of Zen for the week...

After all the terrible images burning into our corneas where you yell for the eye and brain bleach, a few Fotos from yesterday's jaunt Southwest of here. I know, I know, I post a lot of flora pictures of late. It comes from not having a garden any more, and things down there are so nice, I like to fantasize about what I would like to have in my used to be garden. Like this plant. It looks like it belongs to the clematis family, but have never seen them in that color or form before...

Down the walk from back of the train station to the main square in Ehrenhausen is, something new to see every week. The lillies are gone by, and just as I said, it looks terrible now. But back of it is jade, and the perfume is terrific, you want to just sit down and want to breathe deeply. Zen.

And just after that is something I haven't seen before. Loved the color, but no scent.

This morning there were some neat Zinnias at the market, was visiting Millie. I would have bought some for my used-to-be garden...

Tja. Just got the last of my groceries for the weekend. Was just at the check out, and heard a HUGE farting noise behind me and thought, 'Now that is just rude...' And a second one followed, much louder, and it was a young girl of nine or so making the sound by blowing on her non-existant bicep. Pretty kid. And I went into inner hilarity. Again.

And I said, 'Hey, I thought only GUYS in high school in America do that.'

The mother laughed, and said, 'They do it everywhere.' The cashier (about 20) said, 'She probably learned from her father.'

The father looked offended, and the mother said calmly, 'No, she learned it at school.'

And I defused it, and said 'and whoever it was learned it from their father....'

Whereupon everyone dissolved into hilarity and laughed and I paid and left. This 'loverly' exchange was in German, of course....

Some day I am gonna really get some grief for opening my 'mouf'. But it was very funny.

And so much for your moment of Zen.

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