Oh, wow, he did hit the high F

This kid kinda freaks me out. Chris Colfer. He plays the gay kid in the Glee series. I like the sass he brings to the role. I feel uncomfortable with his voice, and admire the guts it takes to play it like he does. One of the most memorable episodes involved him wanting to sing the signature song from the musical 'Wicked', and his Dad, very blue-collar type who is more than confused about his son, goes to bat, and bullies the school guys to let him audition for the song, which is normally sung by a woman. And the day before, his father gets an anonymous phone call. 'Your son is a faggot.' So Kurt, which is the character he plays, goes to the audition, and purposely blows the high F note, because he can't take having his father getting the pressure, and later tells him so. And why. He is used to being denigrated, but he wasn't about to let his father be exposed to that. It was very moving.

So was still on YouTube, and whaddaya know... there is a clip, and my gawwd, the kid hits the high F and it's sorta amazing.

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