Just to be clear on this: I have never eaten poo-poo

I hadn't checked in on Jesus' General's site for a while now... been more busy than I cared to be. He always has outrageous things to show his followers. And he showed me a clip from Afrika. Uganda, to be exact. I was just shaken, I tell you, shaken.... And after over decades, I seem to have missed some things that would make me nauseous. But feel somehow left out. I GOT a lot of verbal BS in my day, but I never had anyone who wanted me to eat their poo-poo. Thank whomever. Wouldn't have done it.... evah.

Nor did anyone ever try to insert their entire hand into my lower intestine, and work their way in up to their elbow. Therefore, according to this illogic, I can't be a 'homosexualist'.

Well hallelujah, I'm SAVED!!!! I'm so glad, am nearly cheerful, hey....

But did get concerned thinking about our late, great (sometimes grouchy) chancellor Bruno Kreisky. He incensed Parliament by coining the phrase 'lower intestinal acrobats'. So long ago, and I must have been naive. I thought he meant people who flatter, then stab you in the back. Am so not kidding.

Now I am beginning to wonder....

Ok, The General's site is satire, and can be very funny. The remarks above are satirically meant. The clip is mind-blowing, not safe for work, and don't click if minors are looking at your pc over your shoulder. Talk about inciting the villagers into pitch-fork and torch mode. (shakes head in wonderment....) Am not denying that that stuff happens, but to imply everyone does it... is sorta sick.

And still I had to laugh, somehow.

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