Hokay, am not the world's best optimist....

I spent the afternoon watching the second half of the fifth seasson of Desperate Housewives. These barstards split them in two, and you end up paying. So I waited for the second, till the price dropped, because I can't affort that bullshit any more.

As per usual... the first half was intriguing.... the twists and turns in the plot were surprising, and satisfactory..... but the end was surprising, and totally on target.

So no, it wasn't my favorite season. It zoomed ahead five years, which was irritating at first. It was unexpected.

Yup, I luv this series. But they have gone WAY beyond what I used to know. And still remain in the parameters of what life is like there.

The bells are ringing seven p.m. Maybe one day, I will pay attention to them. I do not LIKE that, used to think it was 'charming',,,,,

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