Was busy today with my own personal disasters... and head-shaking... and went to Macdonalds for the first time in over 25 years, but it was political

And sick yesterday. Yesterday was a horriday, so nothing to report. Everyone goes away for a long weekend, even though they just had one.


So the country shut down for a week, and I went to Gamlitz today... without realising it was a school-free day. This meant sitting on the 'mayor's bench' in Ehrenhausen at the bus stop for a full hour instead of less than fifteen minutes to get the connection to my destination, and another hour on the way back in Café Purgatory, and in the meanwhile, there were contentious problems to solve, the weather was the pits, I had a headache, my eyes were bothering me, there are other problems I do not wish to discuss, and I was really put out.

I was so put out, I stopped in MacD's for the first time in twenty five years and ate a fishburger. I ordered fries, but they weren't good, and way too greasy, and lost my appetite for the latter, and left most of them.

It was sort of a masochistic thing, going there. I needed some carbs fast, didn't care what it was, and have been often criticised that I have some sort of predjudice against them. The bread was disgusting, there was too much tarter sauce, and I realised I was right. I will never darken their doors again.

There was an ulterior motive as well: Solidarity. Bill O' of Faux attacked the French branch of MacD's for one of their ads. Yesterday, I believe.... And was 'incensed, I tells ya, incensed!' over the new series of ads they run in France. The motto is 'Come as you are'. Any walk of life hey. The one he took umbrage at was aimed at gay people. (Who are they gonna wanna appeal to next?' he bleated, 'Al Queada'??)

Nice comparison, Bill O'.... He maintained it would NEVER run in the US. The ad in question is so subtle, and not 'out there', I thought it was cute. It was charming, and most people wouldn't even know what it is 'about'. If I were running that campaign, I would do one about them even welcoming racist bigots. Rand Paul would like it am sure. 'Come as you are'. But it would be hard to do subtly. But we musn't forget that Bill O' once declared war on France and probably still claims his call for a boycott on their products worked.... Remember Freedom Fries???

I really wish he or Glen Beck had seen the German ads for something called 'Smints'. A breath freshener lozenge. In the first one, this car driver is alone in the car, gets pulled over by the state police, pops one, and the cop leans in the window, and gives him one hell of a kiss, which really throws him. In the second, he is with a woman in the car gets pulled over by the State Police, looks happy about it, pops a lozenge, looking forward to it, and the cop kisses the guy passionately, the woman looks schocked and the end line is always, 'No Smints, no kiss.' Hell it even shocked even me for daringness. And sent me off the charts for hilarity and admired how funny it was.

Bill O is such an idiot.

Can you please tell me what was so offensive about this ad? I thought it was charming. Which is why I broke my boycott, today. The French can be so cute.... And I should know...

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