Now, how in hell is it Possible...

That you can have state senators, queasy idjit evangelicals, and other arseholes....

go to a foreign country, and rile up their already homophobic views, to propose legislation to kill gay people?

This story in Uganda.... is beyond belief. James M. ( for mountain, if you can believe that... and probably has the tiniest dick anyone has ever seen...) Inhofe of the 'great state' of Oklahoma, was very in this picture.

As was the invocation 'pastor' Rich Warren, and a mess of other people.

This has been big news on MSNBC this week. Rachel Maddow exposed what was going on, and just about everyone who was behind it, and it is all 'Murka'.

(They have oil and lots of other stuff there in the ground...)

I 'think' that thanks to the reporting, the arseholes, who introduced the bill, and they are part of a nefarious DC. group who call themselves 'The Family', took out the death penalty, and lfe inprisonment so far.

Well, clap your hands if you believe in fairies....

My absolute favorite moment of all time was the eighteen minutes interviewing the despicable 'pray the gay away' Richard Cohen. Who is also massively involved in this and was so smarmy, I nearly threw up.

She looked at him as if he were a bug under her feet and wanted to squash him.

BUT... she remained civil, and polite. But hard in her questions and counter arguments, and boy, did she come back using his own words to nail him.

Rachel always comes prepared believe me.

And to tell the world, Mr. Cohen has never been licenced by Anyone.


But my question remains..

HOW is it possible that people in the US government go to foreign lands, and purport a so hating, abhorrent agenda for whatever aims they sneakretly have, without the State Department coming in and saying, 'This is not the policy of the United States'....

This is just hate mongering, to get gains in some form or other on the backs of innocent people, and detestable.

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