Y'a know...

there is so much hate out there regarding gay people, and it grows.

Today's lesson is from Uganda. African 'Christians' will go after you, and cut you right out of their lives. And Peter said today, 'Well I don't understand this. My friend Franz (a Lufthansa steward) said they were so nice, and loved him because he was blonde. That was the 60's....

And I said, 'Well take a lesson... Things aren't that way any more.'


So who is behind the nsidiousness? Rick Warren. YEAH, the fake preacher who got picked to give the invocation at the Obama inauguration.

He is legitimised by being on the tee-vee All the time.


What the Fuck are these people doing.

Update: The video I chose got pulled by whoever put it up there. Go Google the Rachel Maddow show, and take a look at the last three days. Just pick a date, and click on 'Uganda be kidding me'.... US evangelists behind it all the way, and not only Rick Warren... They've been setting it up for decades. Separation of Church and State my arse.... And if I could get my hands on Sen. Inhofe... I would love to put him in Gitmo for the time being, and then to the Hague.


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