Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Inside, it's so delightful... and we haven't a place to go... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...


I sang that to Peter just before I left to come home a half-hour ago. And by the second line, he was yelling, 'Stop it! Just stop it!'

(I didn't know I even still knew the lyrics to that old chestnut... the things that stick in your head, hey... sad. And I'm not a good singer, but can carry a tune, so to speak, so it wasn't that. Just grinchitude....)

Sigh... so far we've gotten more of that shit than I have seen in a decade. It's bloody perverse. An inch of it maybe? Normal, and I still complain. But today.... I am in full 'I didn't come four thousand miles for THIS! ' mode... Yup.

And the rest of the city wasn't prepared for it either. When I got on the bus, comedy central, aka the transportation office came on with one of their rare 'announcements'. 'Line number 7 in the direction of St. Leonhard is now cleared after an accident that blocked the line. A streetcar derailed on line number 1 at Kroisbach in the direction of Maria Trost. (Mary Comfort, to youse guys...) So line number 1 will only go as far as Hilmteich, and we are trying to get busses to complete the rest of the line.' End of announcement.

Uh-HUH... 'trying to get busses'... hmmm.... stumpers.

Look, it's only been about five to six inches of mush so far, and they break down???

Well, Himmiherrgottfixsakramenthalleluljah.... as we say.

If this keeps up, there are gonna be people out on skis in the streets tomorrow, and that isn't a joke. I have seen it before... in the 80's. The city just never knows how to handle that stuff.

Which always reminds me of a very short piece by Annie Leibowitz from back then, complaining about how poorly NY did clearing the streets during big snow storms. And came up with her infamous neighborhood weather theory. The poorer the neighborhood, the worse the weather. And the then-mayor didn't do anything because he lived in such a good neighborhood, and was out on the balcony getting a sun-tan, and just didn't know.... Cracked me up, it did....

But when this sort of thing happens, I get suspicious.... where IS our fatuous, Christian Dem mayor right now??? Tanning perhaps? Oh, right, he's out in Maria Trost where the streetcar de-railed, so I guess that theory is not fully correct....

Even worse... nobody here knows how to clear a sidewalk correctly with shovels. And they go out and spread a lot... A LOT... of salt out there, which will kill your shoes, and turn everything to slush, and after it stops snowing, it will get even colder, everything freezes over, and walking becomes treacherous. Way to go.

As regards that last... I should play whistle blower and call Al Gore. Because Copenhagen is over, I think... I haven't seen the news today yet.

Grrrrrr inch.

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